
Sunday 4 March 2012

Not so Easy on a Sunday Morning

Well hello there! 
This is my first ever blog post. Strangely, I am somewhat excited.

 It has taken me all day to set this up as I have been distracted and drawn away a few times. But that comes with having a 3 year old and a new born baby. I was hoping to cram a little bit of knitting time in this morning along with creating this blog, but I have been doing chores and feeding my youngest (he's breast fed so he takes up a lot of my time) and then during Sunday lunch my eldest decided to start acting out leaving me in a rather odd mood; however, it seems somewhat alleviated by the fact that I am actually blogging.

I've been recently working on a mobile for my youngest's cot, so far I have a little Bird and a Lion and I am hoping to add the feet onto the Elephant at some point this evening and I am already starting to plan a little giraffe to throw into the mix. But in true 'Emily style' I have stormed straight into the knitting and I haven't yet planned or even worked out how I am going to suspend these little critters above the cot. So until I do work it out I am going to have a few Two inch tall animals dotted around. Not that I'll mind much but I'm sure the rest of the clan will start to get annoyed with it sooner or later.

These are what I have so far. I am hoping to get the giraffe started this evening. But for now I am going to take my leave and have a little nap. Night feeds have a tendency to take it out of you. :)